Beginner Bodyweight Mastery


For all calisthenics beginners who are ready to take their journey seriously

Steal my new ‘Beginner Calisthenics System’ that will give you the physique and strength to surpass 90% of athletes within 8 months or less

While also mastering skills that will leave all of your friends speechless

Beginner Bodyweight Mastery is the simplest and most easy-to-understand calisthenics guide that will allow you to:

  • Completely master all fundamentals of calisthenics

  • Carve your body by manipulating your diet to sculpt your dream physique

  • Build functional, lean muscle onto an aesthetic calisthenics frame

  • Learn beginner skills like the muscle up, elbow lever, frog stand, and one arm push up

  • And MORE

All of that while focusing solely on the basics and fundamentals,

So you don’t have to learn a completely new training style or terminology that you’ve never even heard of.

But why should you take my word for it?

2.5 years ago I was in the exact same position you are right now.

I know way too well what it’s like to feel insecure every time you look at yourself in the mirror.

I know how it feels to be ashamed of your own weakness and know deep inside your heart that something has to change.

Not too long ago I was going through this every single day.

Being in this situation was hell,

And I knew I had to do something to escape it.

But there was just one problem…

When I first started out I was completely clueless.

I started out doing push ups and sit ups alone in my room every morning,

With no plan,

No strategy,

And no idea how I was actually gonna escape the hell I was in.

But luckily for me,

That’s when I discovered calisthenics.

And it changed my life forever.

I still remember sitting in my room and watching people like Chris Heria levitate on the bars.

Immediately I knew this was the path for me.

I then spent months doing research, learning, and going through trial and error.

I failed over and over again and I had to filter out what works and what doesn’t all on my own.

But more importantly,

I now had a direction.

And I was motivated and disciplined to succeed with calisthenics.

To this day, I have yet to skip a single day of training.

And this is where it has gotten me:

I now have a physique I never would’ve even dreamed of,

Along with the strength to do skills such as front lever, muscle up, handstand pushups, one arm pullups and many more.

I still remember the feeling of being overwhelmed and confused when starting calisthenics,

Seeing all these influencers do jaw-dropping skills, while you can barely do a pull up,

Having to learn all this new information, training routines and diet plans that you can’t even make sense of.

So I vowed to help as many calisthenics beginners as possible to finally get their dream physique and strength,

And achieve absolutely all of their fitness goals.

And to be honest with you,

I could’ve just made a quick YouTube tutorial and told you the same things every other influencer tells you.

But I thought that if I REALLY wanted to help you and all the beginners who follow me,

I couldn’t just make a half-effort YouTube video,

I had to go all in.

This is why in Beginner Bodyweight Mastery,

I provide you ALL the information that I wish I had when I started 2.5 years ago,

And ALL the information I didn’t even know I needed.

So here’s everything that you’re gonna get:

A FULL 69-page PDF guide with information on:

The four fundamental calisthenics exercises you NEED to learn - $100 in value

The best methods to avoid injury and become indestructible - $20 in value

How to determine your ideal diet for success and never have to flop between vegan, carnivore, carb-free, and all the other diets out there - $50 in value

The BEST skills to learn as a beginner that will leave all of your friends in shock and awe as soon as they see you almost levitate - $70 in value

89 exercise and stretch form videos so you never have to look up a tutorial ever again - $30 in value

And on top of all this, you’ll also get:

A full training plan and progressive overload method so you never have to second-guess yourself on what training split to hop on - $35 in value

My personal foolproof warm up guide to boost your performance and avoid any injuries - $20 in value

My FREE L-Sit Secrets Guide that will teach you everything you need to know about mastering the L-Sit, the first proper skill I’ve ever done - BONUS

And so many more bonuses that I’d be writing this page until Judgement Day if I wanted to tell you about all of them.

All the stuff I just told you about adds up to a grand total of $325+


Because I still remember what it was like to be a lost beginner who didn’t even know who to trust to mentor me,

It would genuinely hurt my soul to charge you $325 for Beginner Bodyweight Mastery.

So you’re not gonna have to cough up $325.

You’re not even gonna have to pay $200.

I might sound crazy, but you’re not even gonna have to pay $100.

But instead, you can get all the cool stuff I listed above, and more,

For only $49.

You read that right.

I’m gonna let you pay less than 50 bucks for something that I should be charging well over 300.

“So, what’s the catch?”, you may ask.

There’s no catch.

I’m not joking.

That’s right, this isn’t even a monthly membership or anything.

You pay $49 once, and then you get lifetime access, no strings attached.

After you get your copy, the 69-page PDF file will be automatically downloaded to your device and it will be yours FOREVER.

But, wait, how do you know this will even work for YOU?

Well, don’t take my word for it.

Just listen to all the people who applied everything I taught them in Beginner Bodyweight Mastery and went on to achieve fitness goals they never even imagined:

Reg - 2.5 year transformation, 1 year of training

Like many of us, Reg struggled to build muscle and gain weight in the beginning. After a growth spurt, he was quite skinny and wanted to get a lot stronger, so he reached out to me. I then built him a custom training plan along with diet information, and now he has made tremendous results with calisthenics, building an aesthetic physique within only a year of training and also unlocking the one arm pull up.


15 yr

5'4 (163 cm)

95 lbs (47.6 kg)


16 yr

5'8 (173 cm)

125 lbs (56.7 kg)


17 yr

5'9 (175 cm)

135 lbs (61.2 kg)

Tuyen - She unlocked her first pull up

Tuyen purchased a training plan with the goal of unlocking her first pull up after many failed attempts. With only a few weeks on my program, she unlocked her first pull up!

Chuck - He learned the muscle up in 2 weeks

Chuck, one of my irl friends, saw me repping out muscle ups with ease but he was unable to do a muscle up for many months. Impressed, he asked me for help and I built him a workout plan to increase his pulling strength and also master the muscle up technique. Within two weeks, he attempted the muscle up again and was able to get it first try.

Isak - 1 month progress

Isak got my training plan hoping to completely transform his strength and physique. Only 1 month in, he has already gained 2 kg, built noticeable muscle, and went from no muscle up to 2 reps.

And Yours Truly

Obviously I had to include some of my transformation pics



This guide is NOT for lazy people. This guide is for those that are open-minded to knowledge and disciplined enough to apply this knowledge to get real results.

Considering you have already gone this far, I can tell you are very serious about your fitness.

A normal person will dismiss this guide and go back to their old habits to continue to waste away.

1 year later and they wonder why they still have made NO PROGRESS.

This is the 90%.

But you are willing to invest in your fitness.

That is how I know you will succeed.

Now, after not only telling you,

But also showing you how Beginner Bodyweight Mastery can change your life forever,

I hate to say this…

But the ball is now in your court.

Because now you have to choose either one of two paths.

You can either click off this page,

Forget you ever read all of this,

And go back to your life.

Keep feeling disgusted and insecure every single time you look at yourself in the mirror.

Keep being afraid of taking your shirt off at the pool, beach, or in the locker room because you’re afraid of what everyone else will think about your body.

Keep feeling weak and powerless, because you know you couldn’t defend yourself or stand up for yourself if you had to.


You can decide to finally make a change in your life and start taking yourself seriously.

Get your copy of Beginner Bodyweight Mastery,

Absorb all of the knowledge I have to teach you,

And start applying it.

Start training every single day with pure discipline and determination,

Become the MONSTER everyone thought you’d never become,

And a few months from now,

Look at yourself in the mirror,

And notice that you finally have the aesthetic body you have always dreamed of.

The body that everyone will envy you for.

The body that will make you proud of yourself and all the work you put in.

Not only that,

But also the strength to master any skill you want, and be able to leave all of your friends speechless on command.

So, what is it going to be?

Which of the 2 paths are you gonna choose?

If you chose the second path, then

After you get your copy, the 69-page PDF file will be automatically downloaded to your device and it will be yours FOREVER.

That’s right, this isn’t a monthly membership.

You pay once, and then you get lifetime access, no strings attached.