I was tired of being weak.

Others are scared of heights or the dark, but for me it was weakness.

Every time I looked in the mirror, I felt insecure.

I knew something had to change.

But I didn't just want to go down the path of going to the gym and getting jacked, I wanted to exceed the function of a regular person.

I wanted something that displayed exceptionalism.

With that in the back of my mind, I began doing push ups and sit ups every morning in my room without any direction.

That was when I found calisthenics during the start of 2022.

I sat in my room watching Chris Heria levitate on the bars, and I knew that this was the path for me.

I then began spending months doing research, learning, and experimenting with trial and error

Just like beginning anything else new, I failed over and over again trying new training methods, and filtering what worked and what didn’t.

But what was more important is that I was now training with a direction, and motivated and disciplined to learn this new art. To this day, I have still not skipped a single day of working out.

In June of 2022, I began posting on social media to help other beginners start their journey as well.

After two years, I now have a physique I never would've dreamed of having, along with the strength to do front lever, muscle up, hspu, and one arm pull up.

Today, my main goal is to achieve superhuman strength through bodyweight fitness and skills.

I also want to help other calisthenics beginners achieve their goals, because I relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed and confused when starting calisthenics.

My goal is to Achieve superhuman strength

Who is Seventhenics?

I am a 17 year old upcoming calisthenics athlete living in the United States. I started consistently working out in October of 2021 with the aim of achieving superhuman strength through bodyweight fitness and skills. I believe that by applying the principles of hard work, consistency, and dedication, you will reach your goals. My main objective is to help other beginners start their calisthenics journey as well.

My current challenge:

100 One Arm Push Ups Everyday (Completed)